Djuna Shellam The Write OWL—Episode 3—Nom de Plume

Welcome to Episode 3: “The Nom de Plume”

Djuna Shellam The Write OWL

Hiya, Fanios! In my latest The Write Owl video blog, Episode 3—The Nom de Plume, I talk about my pen name, Djuna Shellam, and introduce my readers to “her.”

So the question—The pen name and why use one (or two or three…)?—is the topic of today’s blog.

Many, many years ago—pre-Internet—I considered using a pen name, or, nom de plume, for my writing, but rejected the idea for one reason, and one reason only—ego. Hell, yeah, I have an ego. Doesn’t everyone? I couldn’t imagine it. I thought, what’s the point of working so long on something to have a “fake” take the credit? Despite knowing that plenty of successful writers have used pen names, most notably Mark Twain, Anne Rice, George Eliot, Richard Bachman, JK Rowling, to name a few, I was still reluctant to do so.


Then came the Internet, and over the course of twenty odd years, as any semblance of privacy went out the window, I obviously reconsidered. Certainly, some of the loss of privacy, in general, is of our own doing, but who could know what was coming? Or going…?

Now, there’s something to be said for fame, especially if a fortune comes along with it, right? I’m all for that. But, if you seek celebrity of one form or the other by putting yourself out there, should you have any expectation of privacy? I used to think no, that if you decided to seek fame or celebrity for whatever reason, you should expect your entire life to be an open book. You want the fame? Then no privacy is the price you pay.

But… that was then. Over the years, especially with the advent of the internet, and the erosion, rather, the near obliteration, of privacy, my view on that has evolved significantly. Now, I feel it should probably be left up to the individual how much they’d like to share with the world.

If someone writes a book, stars in a film, has a hit record, runs for office, or whatever it is they choose to do that opens them up to the public, I’m not sure the world at large should feel entitled to access everything about them—personal or otherwise, whether it has to do with their work or not.

Me? I’m perfectly happy to talk about my writing, what motivates me, my process and whatever else is relevant, sharing my thoughts and such. I’d just rather do it with a nom de plume. Watch Episode 3 and you’ll find out a little bit more about the author named Djuna Shellam.

If you want to make sure you don’t miss an episode, please subscribe to the Djuna Shellam Youtube channel. You can also find updated information on Djuna Shellam on her Facebook page HERE.


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