Dot in the Weeds — Excerpt — The Em Suite

Dot in the Weeds — EXCERPT


A nondescript grey sky with a fine mist on the windshield defined the pensive mood in the helicopter cabin. From the rear passenger seat, with Liam asleep on her lap, Em quietly watched Eve, sitting to her left, absorbed by the scenery passing below them. Prairie sat up front with the pilot, blocked from Em’s view by the headrest. When Em considered where they might still be had they driven to Palm Springs, she was relieved she had the means to charter a private flight to get them to Dot as soon as possible. 

That morning, while preparing for their trip to Palm Springs to help Dot, Waverly had called again, frantic. His first call at seven was to inform them about Dot’s terrible fall down the wine cellar stairs days before, and ask if they would stay with her while he went off for his Air National Guard training. Throughout their conversation, Em thought Waverly had seemed oddly cryptic, but she chalked it up to the emergency at hand. The second call was hours later, after bringing Dot home from the hospital. She had not fully calmed down from one frightening panic attack on her way home before she had another that was worse. She hadn’t had one in years, but after her fall, the attacks began again in earnest. The worry in Waverly’s voice over the phone was palpable. 

Em knew how much Dot’s attacks had affected Waverly in the years following his mother’s horrific death. Before he could even ask them to come earlier than planned, Em had already decided. Instead of waiting until the next morning, once they finished packing they would head out for Palm Springs without delay. Dot needed them—her—and so did Waverly. Decades before, Dot had saved Em’s life, and in all the years since, Dot had become like a second mother to her—far more significant and closer to her than her own had ever been. Whatever was within her ability to help Dot, Em would do it, no matter what it was. She would do anything for Dot.

A three-hour drive, cut down to just over an hour by air, eased Em’s apprehension. Though worried sick about her friend, Em was still grappling with the startling reality she was now a mom with a toddler. Two weeks earlier she and Eve were a childless couple until the toddler Liam was bestowed upon her by his now deceased mother, Fiona. 

The premature death of Fiona, and her dying wish that Em raise her child wasn’t ever on Em’s life list. Named Liam’s sole guardian by Fiona was the absolute last thing she expected to happen to her. The entire situation was so shocking, complicated, and sudden; but more than anything, it was crushingly heartbreaking. Fiona was one of Em’s dearest friends, her soulmate, and her deepest kept secret. Little orphaned William Emmett MacIntyre, shy of three years old, was all that remained of her beloved Fiona, and now he was hers. 

The devastating news of Fiona’s death was compounded by the startling discovery she had a young son that only Prairie, Em’s former lover, knew about. Fiona’s wish that Em raise her son upon her demise was an even bigger and more shocking revelation. In the first hours after Prairie’s bombshell, Em struggled with her situation. It was absurd of Fiona to think Em could, or should, raise Liam. What was Fiona thinking? Em wasn’t parent material. No, no, someone else needed to do it, but it couldn’t be her. It wouldn’t.

Before Em and Eve fell in love, and even when she and Eve took steps to conceive, Em hadn’t ever considered having a child—it wasn’t a high priority for her. She had been a reluctant traveler in Eve’s desperate quest to have a child, though her love for Eve transcended whatever reservations she might have had about being a parent. When they learned Eve could never conceive a child of her own, though she was heartbroken for Eve, Em was also relieved. She loved her life with Eve and feared a child might somehow come between them—something she couldn’t bear. 

Until the moment she fell in love with Liam, Em refused to even consider raising him, even if he was Fiona’s. The night Prairie delivered the sleeping toddler to her, along with the news about Fiona, Em had remained in a state of shocked denial for much of the evening. But when Liam looked at her with eyes filled with worry and shades of Fiona in his little face, right before falling asleep in her arms, Em fell in love, and fell hard. Now, she only felt immense love for him—a deep, visceral love she’d never experienced, nor even suspected was lurking within her. After less than a month, Em wouldn’t even consider life without Fiona’s little boy—her little boy—in it. He had stolen her heart—in certain ways, much as his mother had done twenty years before. Without effort, Liam changed her, and the transformation was inexplicable. 

Em again looked over at Eve—headset on, engrossed in the flying experience—and reached over to hold her hand. Eve squeezed her hand in response, glancing over at Em as she did and smiled. Em’s heart soared. Despite her fears to the contrary, they had never been closer since Liam’s arrival, which was a profound and extraordinary relief. Before Eve, Em had never experienced such an immeasurable bond with another person—not with her parents or former lovers, Alice, Deirdre, or Prairie. Not even with Fiona, her soulmate, who had rocked her world more than a lifetime before. For Em and Eve to reach yet another level of love and closeness seemed impossible, but with Liam’s unexpected arrival, their love for one another only deepened. Whatever maternal urges Eve harbored seemed satisfied with Liam; and for Em, that Eve was content only magnified her love for them both. 

Prairie’s voice crackled through the headset, startling Em from her train of thought. “Hey, Em, this was a fantastic idea.” 

“Is this your first helicopter ride, Prair?” Em addressed the back of her former lover’s headrest. 

“Nah, I’ve been up in choppers several times before with some team members. I love it.”

Em smiled. Despite being apart for almost twenty years, in the time since Prairie delivered Liam to her and Eve, she and Prairie had recovered their lapsed friendship to such a level Em considered Prairie the newest member of her extended family.

Em smiled and turned toward Eve. “What about you, babe? This your first time?”

Eve pulled her gaze from the land passing below them and nodded. 

“It’s a little freaky,” she admitted with a nervous smile, “but I… I kinda like it. It’s a tad thrilling. Sure beats driving, too. Just look at the traffic down there,” Eve said looking back down at Interstate 10. “Uh oh, looks like there was some kind of accident.” 

“Isn’t there always?” Em asked cynically as they passed over the Palm Spring Highway 111 exit. “Looks like we’re almost there. Look, there’s One Eleven—and sunshine,” she added as the clouds seemed to disappear once they crossed through the Banning Pass. “Cool…” 

“Just a few more minutes, ladies,” Dan The Pilot interjected. 

“Thank goodness,” Em murmured. She exhaled slowly to calm the immediate sense of trepidation washing over her. Not knowing what they might find upon their arrival at Dot’s desert ranch filled her with angst. “I’m so worried about Dottie… and Wave.” 

Eve reached over and rubbed Em’s arm. “It’ll be okay, honey. We’ll handle it. Between the three of us…” Eve gave a reassuring squeeze. 

As the chartered helicopter approached the Palm Springs airport, Em scanned the ground for the limo Izzy, her cousin and housekeeper, ordered that would take them to Dot’s. “Oh, look! I think our ride is here,” she exclaimed as she caught sight of a white stretch limousine.

“Hang on, folks, we’re about to touch down…” Dan said, his crackling voice coming through all of their headsets. The aircraft lowered to the ground as it momentarily hovered in place. 

“And…” There was a slight jolt as the chopper touched down onto the tarmac. “We’re down. Okie doke, ladies. Now, why don’t you all hang on a sec while I shut ’er down. Then, I’ll help you disembark.”

“Thank you, Dan,” the three women said in unison. As Dan exited the aircraft, they each removed their headsets.

The good thing about taking a charter flight out to the desert, Em thought as she prepared to exit the aircraft, was it got them there faster. The bad thing was, it got them there faster. She almost felt as if she needed more time to process or prepare for what was to come; but now, there was no more time. They had arrived at their destination, and in a short while they would be at Dot’s in the thick of the family emergency. 

The door on Em’s side of the aircraft opened, letting in a blast of warm air, leaving no room for doubt where they were. 

“Holy smokes!” Prairie quipped as she hopped out of the front cab of the chopper and onto the hot tarmac. “Yup, feels like desert. Where’d the rain go?” she marveled, immediately peeling off the jacket of her lime green tracksuit, revealing a plain white v-neck t-shirt. Meanwhile, Em disentangled herself from the still sleeping Liam, drawing another deep breath as she did. She held it for several seconds before easing the air from her lungs, trying to prepare herself for whatever drama awaited them. 

“Here,” Dan offered, reaching his arms toward Em, “Let me take the little guy so you can get yourself out. He slept through the whole ride?” 

Em handed a rag doll Liam to him. “Amazingly enough, he did. Thank you.” She climbed down from the helicopter cabin and took Liam back from Dan, gathering the boy into her arms.

“Excuse me… are you Ms. Martín?” 

Em whirled around to answer the unexpected male voice. Standing right behind her, leaning forward and waiting for an answer was a young man of average height and build. He wore black pants and a starched white short-sleeved shirt. Em made note of his shaggy haircut and valiant attempt at a mustache, concluding he might be old enough to drive, but probably not old enough to purchase alcohol. 

When Em didn’t answer, the young man added, “I’m Lonnie, your driver? I’m here to drive your party to the Movie Colony?” 

“Yes, yes, of course. Thank you so much, Lonnie. Would you mind? Our luggage is…” Em waved toward the cabin door.

“No problem, ma’am,” Lonnie replied, then began unloading their luggage from the helicopter.

Em turned to Dan. “Thank you. The flight couldn’t have been any smoother. Eve, sweetie?” Em indicated to Eve, without words, to handle Dan’s gratuity. 

“Of course.” Eve smiled as she casually touched Em’s shoulder. She pulled four folded crisp one hundred-dollar bills from her back jeans pocket and handed them to Dan. “Thank you so much, Dan. You’re a wonderful pilot. It was a lot of fun, and… I didn’t even throw up.”

Dan chuckled as he took the bills, “Well… thank you for that. Whoa, wait… ladies, this is too… much,” he protested when he realized how much Eve had given him. 

“No. Take it,” Em insisted. “You’re absolutely worth it. You were ready when we needed you, and you got us here quickly and safely. We’ll no doubt hire you again,” Em winked at him. “Have a safe flight back, Dan.”

“Ah, thanks, Ms. Martín, Ms. Magnussen. I really appreciate it.”

“All right, Prairie? You good?” Em asked Prairie who stood waiting for what was next.

“I’m a-okay. Let’s go save Dot.” Prairie smiled with enthusiasm. “Giddy up!”

The three women laughed as they headed for the waiting limousine. Em just hoped it wouldn’t be their last laugh for a while. 

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Pulling onto Dot and Waverly’s property, Lonnie The Driver gingerly negotiated the white stretch limousine through the gated driveway and up to the front of the house where he slowed to a stop. The young driver leapt from the vehicle and opened the driver’s side passenger door with a flourish. Prairie was the first out, followed by Eve who turned and held her arms out to Em for Liam. She lifted the groggy child out of the car and set him on the ground, straightening his clothes as she did. Em exited the limo last, just as Waverly, barefoot and dressed in swimming trunks and a worn Sheryl Crow concert t-shirt, exited the house to greet them. 

“Hey!” he said with a tired smile.

“Wave, honey,” Em said, pulling him to her for a kiss and a hug.

“Auntie Em,” he replied, kissing her on the lips before hugging her with great affection.

“How are you doing, sweetie?” she sighed.

He smiled. “Better, now. Hey, Auntie Eve.”

“Hi, sweetheart,” Eve replied as she hugged him, then tenderly stroked his stubbled cheek. “You can relax now. The cavalry has arrived.” 

Waverly nodded, relieved, then flashed a toothy smile at Prairie who stood to the side. “And you… You must be the famous Prairie I’ve been hearing about—practically my whole life. Ma always calls you Wonder Woman.” He snickered. “Welcome! And, thank you so much for coming along.”

Prairie smiled and nodded self-consciously. She had only ever heard of Waverly, but meeting him in person, she was struck by his rugged handsomeness. With a few days growth on his chiseled chin, though Waverly was shorter than Em and Eve by one or two inches, he was well-built and stocky, with broad shoulders. Prairie couldn’t imagine he had even an inch of fat on him. His disheveled light brown hair had a hint of a wave in it, and if longer, perhaps some curl. Bushy, sandy-colored eyebrows and hazel eyes framed by military issue aviator glasses that sat atop an upturned nose, only added to his striking looks. He had quintessential California movie star looks. 

“Thank you for having me. Whew!” she exclaimed, fanning her face with her hand. “It’s warm,” she added, reacting to the mid-eighties temperature. “I’m most definitely not in Seattle anymore!”

“It is a little warm for February,” Waverly admitted, then smiled. “I hope you brought shorts and a bathing suit.”

“I didn’t,” Prairie admitted. “But, as soon as I can, I’ll do a little shopping. I seem to remember reading somewhere you have Bullocks or I. Magnin downtown?”

“Both long gone,” Waverly replied with a wink. “Don’t worry, we’re not completely uncivilized. We have plenty of other stores. We actually have a mall,” he added, his eyes twinkling.

Amid the greetings, Liam grabbed onto Em’s leg and clung to it the instant she was free from Waverly’s embrace. Still groggy from his helicopter nap, Liam was unsure of the current situation.

“Hey, now. Who’s this little guy,” Waverly asked, bending over to speak to Liam, who held even tighter to Em’s leg as he tried to hide behind her.

Em chuckled and bent over to tousle Liam’s sandy blond hair. “Wave, this is Liam. Liam, sweetie, this is…” Em looked to Waverly for a clue.

“I’m your Uncle Wave, Liam,” Waverly answered with authority, but with a gentle tone in his voice. 

Em and Eve both looked at Waverly, their hearts full. 

“Man, he’s a handsome little devil,” Waverly said, noting Liam’s bashfulness. He squatted down to Liam’s level. “Hey, you like to swim, little man?”

Liam peeked out from behind Em’s leg and nodded with hesitance.

“He doesn’t know how, but we’ve been swimming with him daily since he arrived,” Eve said. 

“That’s good, ’cause we have an enormous pool that needs someone to swim in it with me. You wanna do that later?”.

Liam nodded, his eyes wide.

“Fantastic! Hey, Liam, buddy… You ready to go meet your Granny? She’s been waiting so long for you to get here. Hmmm…?”

Liam looked up at Em, not sure what to do or say. Eve and Prairie exchanged knowing glances, happy to see Liam’s growing dependence on Em.

“We’re all going to go see Dottie, er, um… Granny, Liam.” Em looked at Waverly, whose eyes danced with mischief, and shook her head with a wary smile. Em was certain Dot would not enjoy being referred to as “Granny.” 

“It’s okay, honey,” Em said, reassuring Liam. 

“Awight,” Liam replied.

Em’s heart melted at his vulnerability.

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Liam tried to hide behind Em again.

“It’ll be fun, Liam,” Prairie encouraged. 

“Go on, sweetie,” Em said. “Let Uncle Wave give you a ride.”

With a welcoming smile, Waverly held his arms out to Liam. “All aboard…”

The moment Liam let go of Em’s leg, Waverly scooped him up and positioned him up on his broad shoulders. As Waverly moved his hands to Liam’s legs, Liam clung to Waverly’s head and whined.

“I got you, little buddy,” Waverly laughed as Liam’s little hands covered his eyes. “Ready to go?”

Liam whimpered, not sure.

As everyone else entered the house, Eve walked over to Lonnie The Driver, awaiting further instructions.

“Thank you, Lonnie,” she said to him, slipping him a hundred-dollar bill. “We’ll call and ask for you when we’re ready to leave. Might be a couple weeks—or more, but…”

“Yes, ma’am, thank you, ma’am,” Lonnie replied, excited by the substantial tip. “I look forward to it. Um, I, uh, I put all your luggage by the door, but if you want me to… I can totally—”

“Not to worry,” Prairie interrupted, standing by the pile of luggage. “We’ve got it. Thank you,” she said, smiling. She had a piece of luggage in each hand, slinging the carry strap of one of them on her shoulder, allowing her to pick up yet another with her freed hand.

“Okay. Um… thanks. Have a nice stay,” Lonnie called out as they entered the house. He opened the limo drivers’ door and climbed into the vehicle, eager to get on to his next client, and with luck, another big tip.

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Gathered just outside Dot’s bedroom door, Waverly briefed them on her condition. Liam remained perched on his shoulders, trying to peak through the door, but the angle wouldn’t allow it.

“I had to give her a couple pain pills right before you got here,” Waverly said, his voice low, “so we won’t have a lot of time before she gets all super woozy on us.”

The women nodded.

“Like I told you on the phone, Ma shattered her shoulder super bad, and broke her upper arm.”

“The humerus,” Prairie injected, her voice just above a whisper. 

“Yeah, right, that,” Waverly concurred. “It was a clean break, thank goodness, but because of the severity of her other injuries—her shoulder was pretty much destroyed—they put pins and a plate, or something in it. Basically, she’s got a ton of metal in her now, but the surgeon said he was able to put it all back together really nicely. I don’t know… he seemed pretty confident about it, so… Said she might have permanent mobility problems, but he can’t be sure until it all heals and stuff.”

“Em said… she broke her wrist, too?” Eve asked. “Or…”

“Oh, yeah, right. She busted her wrist and three fingers, and… Oh, yeah, she also dislocated her elbow.” Waverly shook his head to clear it of the recurring vision of how he imagined his mother falling. “She’s got a couple screws in her wrist, too.”

“Oh, my god,” Em whispered. “Poor, poor Dottie.”

 “Yep. Ma did a serious number on herself.”

“What about her knee?” Prairie asked.

“Ah! Some good news. It’s sprained and banged up—but thankfully, not broken. It’s a miracle she didn’t tear anything, either. Thank god.” Waverly lifted Liam off his shoulders and set him on the ground. “All right now… We need to be really quiet, okay, little man?” Waverly said to Liam. “Granny doesn’t feel so good right now.” 

Liam nodded, his eyes wide.

“We can go in now,” Waverly said to the women. “Ready?”

The three women nodded. Em took Liam’s hand and entered the bedroom first, followed by Eve, Prairie, then Waverly.

“Hey, now,” Dot said with a lazy smile as they filed into the room, her speech slower than normal. “What do we have here? Whoohoo! My family’s here.”

“Yes,” Em answered, as she approached Dot’s bed first. She leaned over and kissed Dot on the forehead. “We’re here, Dottie.” 

“Hello, pretty,” Dot murmured.

Em smiled in response, but then stuck her lower lip out as she surveyed Dot’s injuries. Her right shoulder and arm were in a sling and heavily bandaged. Her arm from her armpit down to her fingers was in a cast. Dot’s left knee was in a brace and supported by pillows. Dressed in tan drawstring shorts and a white tank top, with her long, greying hair in its normal braid down her back, Dot didn’t resemble the strong, confident woman Em knew and loved. Lying on her bed, propped up against the headboard, her eyes droopy and glassy, Dot looked exhausted, broken, and helpless. Em took Dot’s left hand and gave it a little reassuring squeeze. 

“Hello, Sweet Pea,” Em said, greeting Dot’s little dog lying right next to Dot’s thigh. Sweet Pea’s tail thumped a few times. “You taking good care of your momma?” Em asked the little dog who turned her head as if to ignore her. Em chuckled, then looked at Dot as her heart ached at the sight of her injured friend. “You poor girl,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” 

“Yeah…” Dot sighed, then shrugged with her left shoulder. “Thank you, Emmy, darlin’. I really appreciate you comin’ to lend a hand with… stuff.”

Em stooped down and picked Liam up, who was standing beside her, so he could see Dot. 

“This is… this is Liam, Dottie. Liam, this is—”

“Granny!” Liam exclaimed with a smile.

Waverly snickered as Dot’s face registered horror in slow-motion. “Sorry, Ma…”

Dot shook her head in resignation. “Oh, I got your number, boy,” Dot replied to Waverly, playing mad. She turned her focus to Liam.

“Hello, Liam. My, what a handsome young man you are,” Dot expressed with a weak smile. “I’m so glad to meet you, young’un.” Dot held her left hand out to Liam.

“Shake her hand, honey, like this,” Em took Dot’s hand and shook it. 

Liam reached out and took Dot’s hand. It was big, soft and strong, but weak, all at the same time. 

“Now, that right there’s a fine handshake, son. You can tell a lot about a person by their handshake,” Dot said to Liam. “Did you know that?”

Liam looked at her with wide eyes. 

“It’s true,” Dot said. “Y’know, I’ve heard a lot of nice things about you, young fella, and I am so…” Dot paused, searching for the right word. “…thrilled you came along to see me. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better. Would you like that?” she inquired, sweetly.

Liam nodded, not really sure, but he already liked her.

“Oh, yeah. You and I, fella, we’re gonna be great friends. You wait and see. My boy Waverly? He used to be your size, and he and I? We were like this,” Dot winked at Liam, clumsily crossing her index and middle fingers on her left hand. “Still are.” Dot looked up at Em, her eyes misty, “Oh, Emmy…” and nodded with approval.

“I know,” Em answered. Dot knew right away just how special Em’s new son was.

“Now, where’s my Evie?” Dot asked, looking past Em and Waverly. Em moved from Dot’s bedside to let Eve in and stood Liam on the floor.

“I’m right here, Dottie,” Eve said, bending down to kiss Dot on the forehead. Eve began to cry. “Oh, Dottie…”

“Now, now, honey, no, no… don’t cry,” Dot soothed. “It’s nuthin’. Just a teensy weensy setback is all. I’ll be back in fighting shape before you know it. Come on, now. No more tears. Hmmm…? You know I love you for coming to help, sweet girl.” Dot hugged Eve around her neck.

“Anything for you,” Eve replied, sniffling. “We love you.”

“Awww… darlin’. Cut it out afore you get me all weepy, too,” Dot said with a groggy laugh. “I love you, too. Now…” Dot glanced across the room. “Hold on. Wait… just a dadgum minute… who is that I see standing way over yonder?” Dot asked, looking right at Prairie, trying to focus. “Is that…? Nah… Can’t be! Could that be… is that Wonder Woman I see?”

Prairie beamed. “In the flesh, Dot.”

“Get over here, gal,” Dot commanded good-naturedly. “Let me give you a big ol’ hug on your neck.”

Prairie obliged and walked over to the side of the bed. She leaned over so Dot could hug her. “I’m here, at your service, my queen,” Prairie said.

“Queen? Well, ain’t I special,” Dot said with a weak laugh. She inspected Prairie as she straightened up from Dot’s embrace. “You’re lookin’ mighty fine there, gal,” Dot said with a lethargic wink. “Aged to perfection, I’d say.”

Prairie grinned. “Still a shameless flirt, I see,” Prairie replied as she returned Dot’s wink.

Dot snorted. “Oh, ow, ow…” she said grimacing as she reached over to hold her right shoulder.

“What? You okay?” Prairie asked. “Can I get you some—” 

“Only hurts when I laugh… ” Dot laughed some more. “Nah, I’m all right… or I will be pretty soon.” Dot grinned wryly. “Happy pills are kickin’ in. Oh, lucky me! So listen, y’all, why don’t you sit down so Wave and I can tell you… what’s what—why you’re here.”

“What do you mean, Dottie?” Em asked. “We’re here to help take care of you while Wave’s away.”

“Yeah… um… about that,” Dot said, looking guilty.

“Why don’t you girls have a seat,” Waverly suggested. “Ma’ll fill you in on the, um… the big mystery.”

“Mystery? There’s a mystery?” Prairie asked, confused. 

“No, Prair,” Eve replied. “It’s not just a mystery. It’s a big mystery.”

“Did I miss something along the way?” Em asked.

“Apparently so,” Eve responded, amused and curious. “Okay, Dottie. I’m ready. Enlighten us.” She pulled Em to the settee and sat down. “How about you, honey?” Eve asked Em.

“Sure…” Em said with hesitance. 

“Here, I’ll take Liam,” Prairie said, picking him up. “You want to come sit with Annie Pray?” she asked as she sat down on the wingback chair. Liam nodded and snuggled into her.

“We’re ready,” Eve said. “Let ’er rip!” 

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